Oh, and a little background music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqb2db0f_3A
This is what the sun looked like in 2011.

And nature.

The stars.
This is what pretty looked like.

These are some of my friends.

I worked here in 2011.

And here.

And here.

This is my home in 2011.

The living room.

A corner of my kitchen.

This is me before doing something I wasn't sure I could manage.

Completing a half-marathon.
This is how I like to spend a Sunday afternoon (with my nephew).

This is what my friends look like when I tell them the stories in my head.

In 2011, I dreamed of one day owning a house that looks a little like this (complete with woodstove).

"These are the people. Half of them believe things will never work. The other half believe in magic. It's like war between them."
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