Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Few of My Thankful Things

There are so many reasons I should be thankful. Below are just a few of the many people that make my life more enjoyable. I look forward to and cherish the predictability and comfort that some always meet me in the same place at the same time, and the thirst and curiosity that others never meet me in the same place twice. My time with you all is the best.

Einstein bagel and coffee morning dates with Christina. Emails from my favorite South African friend. Lunches with Joan. Phone calls from Denver. Messages from my friends in New Mexico. Over-the-cubicle-chats with my coworkers. Coloring with Stiles. Dinners with Jennifer. Book reviews from Jacob. Patio chats with my neighbors.

The people who sells books on Amazon for a penny. Who even are you?

The fuzzy kitty that keeps my windowsill warm and greets me at the door.

A job that I actually enjoy and coworkers that make the day seem short.

The Barnes & Noble employees that haven’t kicked me out, even though they know very well that I’ve been reading entire books in the cafe for months now, bringing the profit margin down by a hair.

My nephews who keep me laughing with their weird sense of humor, their versatility (football player and in the band), one who is building me a website, and the youngest who continually surprises me, learning new things every day and growing entirely too fast.

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